How Grammar Impacts Your SEO
Most heated question for website’s search engine ranking is about grammar mistakes in content. Is the search engine rank higher those websites which are having grammatical mistakes in their content? What actually you are talking about. From the search engine’s point of views or website’s view? For search engine like Google it does not matter, but for the Bing it matter a lot. If you are creating a website for better user experience then you should take care of your content for more visibility. SEO professionals never allows you to include mistake in spellings and grammar in content.
While Google has gone on the record stating that they don’t penalize sites for grammar or spelling errors, they have confirmed that top-ranked sites have error-free content.
Bing looks pretty carefully at the quality (grammar & spelling included) of content on websites.
Walk away. Stepping away from your writing for even 15 minutes after completion will help create some much-needed distance between the work you just created and any mistakes. This will give you the opportunity to clear your mind so that you can approach your work from a fresh perspective and will allow you to see what you actually wrote versus what you think you wrote.
Grab a fresh set of eyes. Enroll a straight-talking friend, family member, or colleague to give your work a once-over. If you don’t have anyone that fits the bill, professional proofreaders are readily available
Read it backward. Start from the last sentence and work your way to the beginning. Your brain knows what you intended to write and will be prone to seeing what it wants to see. Reading it in reverse order will provide clarity.